Community-Led Co-design Kit

An open source toolkit for sharing knowledge about how to do co-design led by community members and organizations.

Why community-led co-design?

Community-led co-design is an approach in which the co-design process, not just the outcomes, is developed in collaboration with community members who will be directly impacted by the design.

Community-led co-design:

  • Recognizes community leadership

  • Takes place in a familiar environment

  • Creates more engaged communities

  • Moves from design with to design by

Read more in the Introduction to community-led co-design

Where to start

  1. Introduction

    Read the Introduction to co-design and community-led co-design

  2. How to use this kit

    Familiarize yourself on How to use this Kit

  3. Explore this kit

    Look through this kit by:
    Building blocks of co-design
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Explore this kit

Building blocks of co-design

Each of these blocks includes guides, activities, and tools.


Finding the people who you're interested in collaborating with, who are active participants in their community.

Browse methods in partnership

Community involvement

Involving members of the community you're working with in the co-design process.

Browse methods in community involvement

Co-design plan

Planning all that is needed for the co-design engagement to get off the ground.

Browse methods in co-design plan


Creating the environment and conditions for your co-designers to be able to participate and contribute.

Browse methods in facilitation

Ideas and outcomes

Ideas and outcomes that result from the co-design sessions: How to document it, synthesize it, and also larger questions such as who owns these ideas.

Browse methods in ideas and outcomes


Taking the time to reflect on the process on what has gone well and what could be improved for next time.

Browse methods in reflection

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